Stafford Co VA Order Book 1692-1693; THE ANTIENT PRESS
Page 367 (cont). Court held 13th Jule 1693
462. GEORGE CALVERT of the County afsd was attached to answer EDWARD FORD and MATTHEW DICKE both of Charles County in the Province of Maryland of a plea why he by force and arms & contrary to the peace etc into and upon a certain messuage plantation and Tract of land of the freehold of them the said Edward and Matthew scituate in the County of Stafford aforesaid have unlawfully entered to the great damage etc whereupon they the said Edward and Mathew in their proper Persons complain that whereas DIXY WARD SENR. late of the County Stafford deced did in the year 1671 by Mr. SAMUEL WYE then Surveyor of the said County survey and enter Rights for a certain dividend or tract of land containing 1844 acres scituate lying and being at or near Powells Run in the County of Stafford and the office for granting of Pattents in this Northern Neck being then and many years since shut up the said Dixy deced before any Patent for the same could be procured by whose death the Right and Priority of a Pattent thereto came and descended to Dixy Ward then an infant Son and heir of the said Dixy deced by reason whereof the right and Priority of a Patent for the sd Land became and was vested in the said Dixy the younger who being since attained to his full age did by deed dated the 8th day of November 1691 grant bargain and sell unto the said Edward and Matthew their heirs and assigns forever all the Right Title Interest of him the said Dixy of in and unto the said 1844 acres of land by reason whereof the aforesd Right and Reference of him the said Dixy became and Legally was vested in them the said Edward and Matthew their heirs and assigns as by the above recited deed may more fully and at large appear. Since which the said Edward and Mathew having recourse to the office of the Proprietors of this Northern Neck as afsd PHILIP LUDWELL Esgr. for and on the behalf of and as agent or attorney of the said Proprietors of this Northern Neck did by deed bearing date the 6th day of December 1692 grant the afsd tract of 1844 acres of land with all its rights members Jurisdictions and appurtenances to them the said Edward and Mathew their heirs and assigns forever as by the said deed may more fully and at large appear by vertue whereof the said Edward and Matthew became seized in their demesne as of fee of in and unto the same. Nevertheless the said George by force and armes into and upon the said dividend of land hath unlawfully possessed himself and with like force doth detains and keep whereby they are damnified and damage have reced to the value of twenty thousand pounds of Tobacco whereupon they bring their suit etc and pray the writ habere fs. Possessionem directed etc.
And George Calvert the defendant came into Court and prayed Licence of Imparleance till the next Court which accordingly to him is granted and that then his plea be not wanting.
Stafford Co VA Order Book 1692-1693; THE ANTIENT PRESS
Page 372 (contd). Court held 13th September 1693
480. EDWARD FORD and MATTHEW DICKE v GEORGE CALVERT. Upon Imparleance from the 18th of July 1693 And now until when the said Plts not appearing to prosecute Therefore tis ordered that the said Edward Ford and Matthew Dicke shall be nonsuit and shall make present payment of sum fifty pounds of Tobacco to George Calvert with costs .
Transcription source: Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia's Northern Neck Counties.
Newspaper Tidbit: Trustees' Sale: Samuel Tansill
7 months ago
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